
The Best Games of PC List 

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The Best Games of PC List – You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for some of the best games to play on your PC. We’ve compiled a list of the best games available on Steam and other game stores.

We’ve got classic, indie, and even a few mobile games to keep you entertained for hours.

There are so many different games to choose from when it comes to PC gaming that it can be hard to find the best ones to play. We’ve done the heavy lifting for you by compiling a list of the best PC games ever made.

We live in a day and age where technology is constantly advancing, and new platforms and technologies are emerging.

Since its inception, the gaming industry has been evolving with each generation of gaming consoles and game releases pushing the envelope in terms of graphics, design, gameplay, and interactivity.

While some great console titles are still being released today, the big question is, which games are the best?

In this article, I will share the best games on PC with you. I’ve narrowed it down to top games, so check out my list and tell me which one you like the most.

The Best Games of PC List

1. Fallout 4

If you haven’t heard, Fallout 4 is the latest game in the series, and I would highly recommend checking it out.

The story is set in a post-apocalyptic world in 2238, where a nuclear war has destroyed 99% of humanity. In this world, you play as Vault Dweller, who must find a way to escape his underground vault.

The game is set up with an open world, and you can explore it freely. There are various locations to visit and things to do. While the game is fairly linear, you can still freely explore it.

The game features many different weapons and items to purchase. You can buy weapons and armor and customize them to your liking. There are tons of side quests, missions, and other activities.

There are many different factions to join in the game. You can choose one of these factions and use their unique abilities to advance your character further.

Fallout 4 is an action role-playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It was released worldwide on November 10, 2015, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, with a Nintendo Switch release on November 20, 2018.

Fallout 4 takes place in Boston, four years after the events of Fallout 3. The player character is a young orphan named William. He is recruited into a group of Vault Dwellers called the Railroad and sent to Vault 111 to retrieve a nuclear warhead called “The Master Builder” and destroy it.

On the way to the vault, William encounters his old mentor, the Overseer, and meets the group’s leader, the Overseer’s daughter, Elizabeth. After reaching the vault, William meets the other Vaults Dwellers and encounters the residents. Eventually, the group discovers the Master Builder, and the player must decide whether to destroy it or allow it to fall into the hands of the Wasteland’s warring factions.

The game received critical acclaim upon its release. It received a 91/100 on Metacritic, indicating “universal acclaim”. It also won numerous awards, including the Golden Joystick Award for Best Story, Best Role-Playing Game, and Best Game at the National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers Awards (NAVGTRAs). At the same time, Game Informers Matt Miller called it the year’s best game.

Fallout 4 is considered a spiritual successor to the series and takes place in the same universe as Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

2. The Division

The Division is one of the best games released in 2017. I can’t wait to play it again. It’s a bit rough around the edges, but it’s still a fun game.

I enjoyed the story mode and got hooked right away. I had to complete the entire campaign to unlock everything, and I couldn’t stop playing.

The main problem with the game was the lack of content updates and the lack of support for new players. I’m sure Ubisoft has a plan to fix this, but until then, you may be stuck playing a game you don’t enjoy.

So, you’re probably asking yourself, “What is The Division?” But I’m not talking about the game. It’s a first-person shooter game that Ubisoft released in 2016.

I’m talking about the game’s viral marketing campaign on Twitch. Twitch is a website that allows gamers to watch others play video games live. While it’s still growing, Twitch has gained a huge popularity since its launch in 2011.

The Division’s viral campaign was released on Twitch in 2017. In just two months, over 1.5 million people watched the game being played. That’s a lot of viewers.

The campaign was so successful that The Division had been listed on Twitch’s Top 50 most-viewed channels list.

To put that in perspective, the list includes games such as League of Legends, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, Fortnite, and World of Warcraft.

So, what does that mean? It means that The Division is now the most-watched game on Twitch. And that’s a pretty big deal.

PC Games

3. Civilization VI

It’s hard to believe that Civilization VI is already approaching the halfway mark of its lifetime. The game has been around for a few years now, but it’s only in the past year or two that it got into the public eye.

As a result, we’ve seen several different reviews of the game, and all of them seem to agree that this is the best version of the game yet.

Civilization VI is a 4X strategy game set in the mid-21st century. It’s an exciting new entry in a series that’s long been at the forefront of PC gaming.

The original Civilization was released in 1991, and it quickly became a staple of many people’s gaming lives. As a result, the franchise has continued to grow ever since, becoming a favorite among gamers of all ages.

Civilization VI continues this tradition by taking players back to the world of ancient Rome, and it’s just as good as the previous versions.

The game is a 4X game, meaning that the player is given control over four major aspects of gameplay. These are military, culture, economy, and diplomacy.

The game features five playable civilizations, including Rome, Egypt, Persia, Carthage, and China. Each Civilization is given a unique set of characteristics that will influence how they play.

For example, Rome is a strong civilization that focuses on military might, while Egypt is a society of wise rulers that is based on religion.

Each Civilization has access to a variety of different technologies. There are also a number of buildings that can be constructed and units that can be trained and employed.

Each Civilization also has its leader, and they’re given a chance to develop their own personality traits and their own special abilities. This means that each culture has its own set of unique traits, and it makes them feel like they’re an individual entities.

The game’s core mechanics are fairly similar to those of the previous games in the series. There are resource gathering, combat, and unit movement.

4. Call Of Duty Black Ops III

There are many free games you can download on the Internet. But you can’t beat the full version of Call of Duty Black Ops 3 for the price of nothing.

The game itself looks great and has the most realistic graphics. The gameplay is excellent, and there are plenty of things to do. You can play in Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch. There are even two modes for multiplayer.

The game can also be played offline. This means you can play while on the bus or when you’re on vacation. So you can enjoy a game without an internet connection.

This game has been a big success, and I can see why. It’s a very engaging story that allows you to dive into a world that feels incredibly realistic.

The campaign mode is lengthy and full of action. On the other hand, Multiplayer is easy to pick up and play but challenging to master. If you’re looking to invest a lot of time in your gaming, this might be a good one to check out.

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 is a game that has been around for a long time now, but it remains relevant. I would say that it’s still worth your time and money to buy it if you’re into shooting games.

There are other reasons to play this game, like the multiplayer mode and the storyline. But the gameplay is what makes it stand out from the rest. There are many different game modes, and you can expect to see a lot of other weapons, like machine guns, shotguns, and sniper rifles.

There are also a lot of different locations that you can play on. You can play on land, on airships, or even in space. If you’re new to the series, I recommend starting with Black Ops 2.

If you want to go back to the roots, you can also try playing the original Call of Duty 4. There is a demo version that you can download.

5. Fallout 3

Fallout 3 was released in 2008. It’s a post-apocalyptic role-playing game. It takes place in a futuristic America where nuclear war has wiped out most of the population.

This game is about an American soldier named James who awakens in the ruins of Washington DC after a nuclear bomb goes off. As he searches for shelter, he meets other survivors. This game has been compared to the post-apocalyptic movie The Road.

The game received mixed reviews but was a huge success. It sold over 6 million copies. You can still play it on your PC.

As we know, video games have become more than just a form of entertainment. They are actually used as a medium to teach people about life and how to interact with others. In the same way, video games are now being used as a form of education.

This is why there are so many video game schools popping up. Students can learn about the industry, learn how to design video games, or even learn how to code.

There are many options for those looking to make a living as a professional video game designer. One of the most popular ones is developing video games.

However, there are also other options. If you’re interested in working as a freelance writer, you can easily find freelance writing gigs on sites like Upwork and Fiverr.

For those who want to learn how to program, plenty of courses are available on Udemy. You can also watch YouTube videos and tutorials to learn how to program.

Finally, if you want to work in the industry as a producer, plenty of production studios are hiring.

PC Games

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

Q: Which game was your favorite to play on the list?

A: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. It was very nostalgic because it reminded me of when I used to playback in the day when my guild first started. I had been playing the game for four years by that point, but they were brand new players. We all played together on the same server, and we bonded. When I looked at this list and saw World of Warcraft on it, it brought back many memories, and I felt like I needed to send it out to everyone because everyone is just as excited as I am.

Q: Which game was the most disappointing to play on the list?

A: I was highly disappointed not to see one of my personal favorites, Mario Kart 7. That game is probably my favorite. But there were so many great games this year, and I’m sure people will pick some other favorites.

Q: Why did you choose that game?

A: I love Mario Kart. I’ve played it since the Nintendo 64, and I think it’s a classic. I’ve always wanted to play it again, and it was one of the games they added this year for Wii U.

Q: What was the biggest surprise of this list?

A: One of the biggest surprises was that Minecraft got so many votes. For some reason, I thought it would be on many lists, but I never thought that it would be #1. I know people who are huge fans of the game, so it was kind of an honor for me to see it there.

Q: How do you feel about it?

A: I’m ecstatic. I remember playing it in the summer when I was younger and how fun it was.

Myths About Games

PC games are the best way to enjoy entertainment on your PC. In addition to providing hours of fun and enjoyment, PC games can also be used to teach you new skills, learn new things, or relax.

PC games are a big deal, and they’re constantly evolving. There are tons of games out there, but finding the right ones can be tricky. I compiled this list of the best games from 2018 and beyond.

PC games are fantastic. There’s so much variety. There’s always something new to play. But the downside is that they’re not cheap. If you want to buy a game for your enjoyment, you can expect to pay around $50 – $100.

However, if you’re looking to make money, PC games are a goldmine. You can either set up a website where you host your games and charge a monthly subscription or use an affiliate program to promote other people’s games.

My favorites are still World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Fortnite, and League of Legends. They’re also very accessible, requiring minimal investment to start playing.


There’s no doubt that games have changed since the first game was released in the 80s. They were primarily simple 2D arcade games where you would shoot a laser to destroy the enemy while dodging the bullets.

These days, they are much more complex and immersive. Some of them can even be used as educational tools to teach you about the world around you.

I’ve put together this list of the best games for PC in 2022. Hopefully, you’ll find some titles that you’ll enjoy playing.

687 posts

About author
Introvert. Incurable tv guru. Internet lover. Twitter trailblazer. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Spent a weekend creating marketing channels for cod in New York, NY. Spent the 80's writing about fried chicken in Pensacola, FL. In 2009 I was investing in sock monkeys in the government sector. Spent high school summers exporting cannibalism in Deltona, FL. A real dynamo when it comes to donating Roombas in Miami, FL. Spent 2001-2005 supervising the production of acne for no pay.
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