
Do you have someone in your life who is struggling with an alcohol addiction?

4 Mins read

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Living with someone with drug addiction is hard, and alcohol addiction is the same. It places you in an awkward situation – you watch them waste away, but you do not know precisely how to assist them. You even wonder if they want your help anyway because you are afraid they will lash out at you and become defensive if you confront them with their habits. That is a frustrating feeling to experience.

Alcoholism is a complicated condition, just like drug abuse itself. It does not involve the loss of willpower alone and complex changes in the brain that make it very difficult for someone to quit; unless they get external help through alcohol abuse treatment. The person has many problems when trying to control their drinking, and they continue to consume the substance even when it leads to problems.

The disorder can range from mild forms to severe addiction, and the mild cases can grow into serious ones. As long as the person receives early treatment, they will have an easier time overcoming the disorder – but you can also help them get there. Here are some ways to assist them.


Learn all you need to know about alcohol abuse

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Before you start, you should know if your loved one or friend is suffering from alcohol addiction since these do9es do not happen to everyone. It is more than simply frequent drinking from time to time; it also involves a lack of moderation in drinking, even when they say they will have only one drink. Using it as a form of social bonding and coping mechanism may seem like you are addicted when it is not.

Please make sure to educate yourself on what alcoholism is and the symptoms that accompany it. You can also use some health and government websites to give you more information about it, as they will also give you tips on assisting someone with an addiction.

Practice what you will say

The most important thing is letting your loved ones know you care for them and are willing to help them recover. In this regard, do your best not to be presumptuous, harmful, or hurtful – the person might not trust you again, or they can give up on making an effort to get sober.

When explaining your position on the matter, avoid taking a passive stance because it is equal to blaming them for what is happening. Yes, you are hurt because of their addiction, but placing the entire blame on them will not help them recover. Instead, use an ‘I’ perspective to show you are an active participant and reduce negative tones in your statements.

Also, make sure to prepare yourself adequately for all responses. Regardless of the reaction they will give you, you must remain calm and firm, and they will eventually have your support.

Select the right atmosphere to talk

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You cannot have the alcohol rehab conversation anywhere – selecting a suitable place free of interruptions is essential. Even more important, the person needs to be as sober as possible.

If they have a problem with addiction, you need to be honest with them about the issue. Merely placing your hopes on them getting to their senses may not work, and it may lead you to desperation – never a good strategy to convince them to seek treatment.

In light of this, no one likes to be told they have some negative aspects of themselves, especially regarding addiction – so be prepared to get an adverse reaction. Once you tell them how you feel, give them space to think about their choice and listen to their thoughts on the issue. This will help you formulate responses to the negative things, so do not take their angry words to heart.

Could you give them your support?.

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You cannot force someone to go into treatment at the end of the day if they do not want it. You can only give them your help, and the decision to accept it is theirs. However, maintain an impartial mindset when dealing with the situation, which will assure them you will not judge them.

They might tell you they will reduce their alcohol intake personally, but actions are more important. Make sure to encourage them to consider and apply for treatment programs and follow up on their decision – it is for their health.

If some family members or friends can be involved in the problem, you can ask for their help. This depends on several factors, such as how private the person is and the seriousness of the situation.


This is more complex than simply encouraging someone to do something. It involves extensive planning, setting consequences if the person does not follow through, sharing the options, and deciding on a treatment plan.

The intervention is done through the use of professional counselors. This will work if the person is resistant to getting help, and it usually involves the use of several family members, friends, and colleagues. Some treatment programs also offer their rehab services at little to no cost, so financial problems should not be an excuse for not seeking help.

Getting some help for you

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It is effortless to forget yourself while helping a loved one overcome an alcohol addiction, also called co-dependency. However, this is dangerous because you do not have an objective viewpoint to help them get the proper treatment. It even leads to obsessive behaviors, mental health issues, and other problems.

Final thoughts

Getting through to a loved one suffering from alcohol abuse may be tricky, but it is vital to approach them with the correct mindset and strategy. Try understanding where they are coming from, and let them know that you are ready to support them in the journey to sobriety.

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Introvert. Incurable tv guru. Internet lover. Twitter trailblazer. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Spent a weekend creating marketing channels for cod in New York, NY. Spent the 80's writing about fried chicken in Pensacola, FL. In 2009 I was investing in sock monkeys in the government sector. Spent high school summers exporting cannibalism in Deltona, FL. A real dynamo when it comes to donating Roombas in Miami, FL. Spent 2001-2005 supervising the production of acne for no pay.
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